2024 began between Florence, Milan and Alicante, then in spring in Salzburg Laura performed as a soloist at the prestigious Pentecost Festival Salzburg Festspiele in Salzburg, Austria performing in the role of Marcellina in an extract from The Marriage of Figaro by W. A. Mozart alongside Cecilia Bartoli (Susanna), Melissa Petit (Countess), Mattia Olivieri (Figaro), Alessandro Corbelli (Bartolo), Rolando Villazòn (Basilio) and Ruben Drole (Count) staged by Davide Livermore, the Orchestra Les Musiciens du Prince-Monaco and conductor Gianluca Capuano.
The usual engagements as a soloist and in the Florence Cathedral Octet and many operatic Recitals in Florence.
Three tours are planned for the autumn, two in Europe and one in America.
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« Pure timbre but firm voice for Laura Andreini (who is careful not to reduce the role of the protagonist to a uniformly soft and ethereal image) »
« Timbre pur mais ligne de chant ferme pour Laura Andreini (qui prend soin de ne pas réduire le rôle-titre à une image uniformément douce et éthérée) »
Stéphane Lelièvre - Première Loge
The new CD has been released which sees Laura engaged in the role of Santa Editta, protagonist of the homonymous Sacred Oratory by Alessandro Stradella.
"Avec une énergie péremptoire, Laura Andreini fait vibrer cette ligne mélodique qui déborde d’une joie féroce."
"With peremptory energy, Laura Andreini vibrates this melodic line that overflows with ferocious joy."
"Stradella façonne une ligne de chant chamarrée, parsemée d’intervalles redoutables et de mélismes aspirés vers les aigus. Difficultés techniques que la maîtrise vocale de Laura Andréani magnifie avec assurance."
"Stradella shapes a colorful verse, punctuated by formidable intervals and melismas sucked towards the high notes. Technical difficulties that Laura Andréani's vocal mastery confidently amplifies."
"L’âme s’y projette, soulevée par d’ardentes vocalises. La ligne de chant courtise les aigus, comme si elle tentait de nous familiariser avec ce séjour séraphique dans lequel la virtuosité vocale de Laura Andreini nous installe déjà."
"The soul throws itself into it, lifted by ardent vocalizations. The vocal line courts the high notes, as if trying to familiarize us with this seraphic sojourn in which the vocal virtuosity of Laura Andreini already settles us."
"Laura Andreini habite manifestement la partition tant elle libère la passion que Stradella a fait entrer dans ses notes."
"Laura Andreini obviously lives in the score so much that she releases the passion that Stradella brought to her notes."
Michel Boesch - Baroquiades